Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why Oh Why Shanghai?

Cinema tickets in Hong Kong are half-price on Tuesdays. So, last night, a friend and I saw "Fantastic Four 2," also known as "The Rise of the Silver Surfer." We enjoyed it. He loves anything featuring fighting women, especially when they have superpowers.

Jessica Alba has an amazingly small waist. I was also amazed by the huge Shanghai scene because I didn't expect it and because most of the Chinese signage actually seemed to be in Chinese.

I don't like reading reviews before I go see a movie because I like to make up my own mind. Even for half-price Tuesday sorts of pictures. This is why the Shanghai bit was a surprise. Now I am exploring a theory, based on FF2, Mission Impossible 3 and Tomb Raider 2. Because three makes a trend?

This evening, I was IMing with Ms. B, who works in the film business in Beijing...

6:51 PM me: ms. b?
6:55 PM ms.b: hey
6:56 PM
me: i just saw fantastic four 2
6:57 PM ms.b: and?
how was it?
7:00 PM me:it was entertaining7:01 PM and that chick has a really small waist
ms.b: haha
me: anwyay
ms.b: jessica alba?
me: is it going to be shown in china?
yeah, her
ms.b: i'm not sure
me: was mi3 shown?
ms.b: yes, edited
spidey 3 was shown
shrek 3 will be shown
7:02 PM me: coz it occurred to me: how come with so many big action movies these days
ms.b: transformers will be shown
pirates 3 is showing
me: the world always ends in shanghai?
ms.b: ha
me: does spidey have a shanghai end of the world scene?
ms.b: huh?
7:03 PM me: coz there is always a big dramatic action scene set in shanghai
ms.b: really?
me: in ff 2
in mi3
ms.b: i c
7:04 PM me: i think there was one in tr 2
its like at the end of the world, all action heroes save us from armageddon while in shanghai
at least according to hollywood
ms. b: interesting
7:05 PM
me: well...
i bet the next bond film will have a shanghai scene


Anonymous said...

hi there!

have you seen the series 'serenity'? it is a 'western' set in the future - 'serenity' is a spaceship. the characters swear in putonghua - reflecting the increasing role china will have on the planet, indeed, cosmos...

i think one shouldn't be too paranoid about these things...

[i would have added that in the comments field, but our web filter won't let me!]



Anonymous said...

That's so true...lately Shanghai has been the city of choice for "critical,
bite-your-nails" end to an action film. Why is that? I guess it's kinda
modern and somewhat futuristic of a back-drop. I certainly enjoy pointing
out to people that I've been there when I see it in movies! :-) I really did
enjoy that part of my China trip. If I were to go back someday, I'd like to
definitely see Shanghai again.